Buzz Bomb UV Flashbomb Blue


Once again Buzzbomb Tackle creates fishing magic!

Buzz Bomb has integrated unique differentiated UV technology into its newest series:  The UV Flashbomb!



The triple colour UV engineering maximises UV light and visible light flashing when the product is in its classic sonic rotation!  Unlike other UV products, the UV Flashbomb combines its sonic vibration with a strobe light effect of visible and UV colour that triggers fish to attack it voraciously.  Already proven to be a killer for salmon, bottom fish, and other predators, the UV Flashbomb is fast becoming legendary!

Additional information

Weight N/A
Dimensions 17 × 4 × 1.5 cm

1.5” inch, 2.5” inch, 2” inch, 3” inch L (Light), 3” inch XH (Extra Heavy), 4” inch, 4” inch W (Wide), 5” inch

Size & SKU ID

Buzz Bomb UV Flashbomb Blue UPC
Buzz Bomb (Flashbomb Blue, 1.5″) 056149002252
Buzz Bomb (Flashbomb Blue, 2″) 056149002269
Buzz Bomb (Flashbomb Blue, 2.5″) 056149002276
Buzz Bomb (Flashbomb Blue, 3″ Light) 056149002283
Buzz Bomb (Flashbomb Blue, 3″ x-Heavy) 056149002290
Buzz Bomb (Flashbomb Blue, 4″) 056149002306
Buzz Bomb (Flashbomb Blue, 4″ Wide) 056149002313
Buzz Bomb (Flashbomb Blue, 5″) 056149002320